The Life Story of Mother Phyllis Jean 5/15/1930 - 7/17/2013 ...and assorted Short Stories by Morris Lee X (scroll down for the menu)
                                 The Life Story of   Mother Phyllis Jean  5/15/1930 - 7/17/2013   ...and assorted Short Stories by Morris Lee X(scroll down for the menu)

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Despite having two skull fractures, two Traumatic Brain Injuries and twice in a Coma, the storytelling of Morris Lee X is amazingly coherent and inspirational.
I donated my Hatteras @ to Morris Lee X and wow - I feel so much better now!
The Crazytown Inquirer
“I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun with an Interactive website.
Thanks to Morris Lee X and all of the outstanding performers for such an enjoyable evening.”
Mayor Rita of Crazytown
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