The Solex Agitator:
1). Provides 12volt DC power generation for immediate use.
2). Provides UV Treated hot air, free of viruses, disease, and bacteria
3). Provides a supplemental source of hot water
4). Provides an exoskeleton that strengthens the existing structure, making it resistant to the
effects of earthquakes...or ramming by airplanes.
5). Provides an exoskeleton that insulates the interior from cold winds and the hot rays from
the Sun
6). Absorbs and redirects the heat from the city's hardscape, harnessing that wasted energy and
cooling the cities at nighttime
7). Transforms the existing, (under-utilized) legacy automobile manufacturing sectors into high
tech Solex Agittor assembly plants
8). Provides employment for thousands of farms that transform wasted greens into cardboard for shipping the Green New Energy Collectors across America ... and the World!
Win win.
9). Through the Public Private Partnership, small cities and towns are revitalized with small
scale manufacturing and installation teams to keep their young adults employed.
10). Opps. Nevermind.
11). Because of sheer Logistic reasons, the "switch over" from legacy energy production
facilities to the Green New Energy Collector will takes decades, perhaps even CENTURIES, so the transition will take time
- it's not like all of the legacy energy production jobs disappear overnight but rather like a slow moving unstoppable train making its way down the track of God's timeline. Sha Zam, baby. Let it
12). A SUPER NEW Tax Revenue stream for local, State and
Federal governments! Would you like to receive a per-unit tax or a percentage to the electricity created?
13). The Entropy Concentrator and Energy Conversion Component Module fits inside an 8" black
cube, which is also a modular component designed to be easily "swapped out" every 50-100 years, perhaps longer, depending on a variety of variables.
So, just when will this Green New Energy Collector be revealed?
Are you ready to have some fun?
With the same attitude as Edward Leedskalnin, I don't feel the need to share the secret
of the Solex Agitator, although the desire to display its beauty is quite tempting. When the time is right all shall be revealed.
Have a great day,
Morris Lee X
Los Angeles, CA
Proof of concept?
Sure, if you are young and healthy then try this - on a hot (100+ degree) summer day,
place a glass of ice in the cup holder of your vehicle. Park your vehicle in the sun, six feet away from other cars at 11:00am with all the windows rolled up and the doors locked.
At 3:01pm, quickly open the car, get in and close the door. Wow. Hot stuff, right? Whew. Try
some water from the melted ice. Yuk - too hot to drink. Now get out before you pass out, then shrivel up into lump of crusty carbon - you know, just like what happens to an air-borne pathogen
inside the Solar Concentrator.
You have just experienced what it is like to be inside the Solar Concentrator.
It's all very elementary.
If you have $500 million or more to invest then I'd luv to hear from you. We can be operational
in weeks- not years.
95% of the Solex Agitator is available with "off the shelf" parts from American-based
manufacturers, including General Electric ("We bring good things to life"), Corning, Ford, Audi, Honda, Firestone, and Goodyear, just to mention a few of the Suppliers available for full
4% of the design can be hammered out in a work-week using digital printers, a real time saver
over the "lost wax" process that was the only game available just ten years ago.
The Solex Agitator is loaded with geometric equations from Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid of
Egypt AND the great pyramid of Cholula, as well as the Sacred Geometery of Templar fame.
"It's quite elementary, Dr. Watson." Holmes might say as he puffs on his pipe.
Think of the "Solex" in the James Bond 007 movie "The Man with the Golden Gun".
@ While entertaining, the only element of the Solex Truth in the movie is the size of the Solex - the rest is just fantasy,
using 1970's logic and understanding of solar power.
The Grean Energy Solar Concentrator and the Solex Agitator are one and the same. Nothing gets
sunlight agitated like when it gets concentrated. Don't look at the Solar Concentrator without the shielding or you'll go blind.
The Final 1%?
That is the knowledge to assemble the pieces into a coherent unit capable of capturing immense
heat in the form of Ultraviolet and Infared Radiation and then transforering that energy to useable forms.
It's very basic once you see the units assembled - and just like Velcro, you'll wonder why you
didn't think of it first!
"The Solex Agitator" is not hype. The benefits described above are real, just waiting to
be revealed.
"Come on Man - what the heck have you got to lose?!"
A truly GREAT "Super Solex" (solar energy converter) does not use photoelectric
technology to create useable electricity - it uses Thermal Fluid Dynamics (the
movement of energy from hot to cold) as the power source for producing electricity, hot, purified air, AND hot water.
Sha-zam, Daddy-o! Can you dig it?
It's easy to do all of the above tasks once you know how to harness and control the
Making a working model, using off the shelf parts from local sources, is now a real
possibility in this "time zone" on Planet Earth.
Are YOU ready for a NEW Energy Kingdom built on Sunlight- NOT on Oil!?
Early birds get to share in the worm.
"Buckle up, Judy! It's time for hyperdrive!"
Have a great day,
Morris Lee X
Los Angeles, CA